With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their meanings with a quiz. Go to the Vocabulary Center, the words…
adjective causing or tending to cause horror; dreadful; hideous.The villain wore a horrid grin. See the full entry
intransitive verb to strongly draw the interest of; puzzle; fascinate.The odd fairy tale intrigued the child. noun a secret scheme or plot.There were many intrigues against me. See the full entry
noun a humorous utterance or action; joke.His comment was intended to be a jest, but, unfortunately, it was taken seriously.She began her speech with a jest that made her audience immediately warm…
adjective widely known and acclaimed; famous.We were fortunate to have a renowned author speak at our graduation.The restaurant serves excellent steaks, but it is mainly renowned for its seafood dishes. See the…