adjective desolate or unhappy, as from abandonment or weariness.The new kid looked somewhat forlorn sitting by himself in the cafeteria.The exhausted and forlorn prisoners marched back to the prison. See the full…
noun a ruler who has complete power and authority.With the creation of the parliament, the king could no longer rule as a despot. See the full entry
adjective in a state of having been legally declared incapable of paying off one’s debts and having one’s assets administered by a court to compensate creditors.After years of struggling and being unable…
transitive verb to cite with praise, as for some act or service.His captain commended him for his bravery.I commend you on your choice of this restaurant. See the full entry
transitive verb to introduce (a fluid) or introduce a fluid into (someone or something) by force or pressure, as fuel into an engine cylinder, or a medicine into a muscle or vein.The…