fri flo tIng adjective definition 1: lacking a connection, commitment, or focus, esp. with regard to a doctrine, party, or cause; independent. example: The candidates are unnerved by the numbers of free-floating voters….
ae v@r d@ poIz noun definition 1. a system of weight based on a pound equal to sixteen ounces or to 453.59 grams; avoirdupois weight. example: According to Major League Baseball Official Rules,…
back formation
baek for meI shen noun definition: in linguistics, a word that appears to be the base of, but was actually formed from, another word, as “trivia” from “trivial.”
How to s*rch the diction?ry using wild card symbols
Understanding how to use wild card symbols will increase your ability to find words you can’t spell or don’t fully recall. Wild card symbols also allow you to find groups of words that contain a particular letter pattern.
Look-up History
Nothing brings home to me just how much mileage I habitually rack up on the information highway like a glance at my browser history. Whether it’s showing me locations I visited “last…