aplomb ə plam noun great self-confidence, composure, or poise. example: Although the power was out and most of the audience drunk and unruly, she performed her number with admirable aplomb.
maunder mawn dər intransitive verb 1. to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble. example: The police failed to get answers from the witness, who maundered on about her own troubles. example: “Nam-Bok…
ligature lI gə chər noun 1. a band or tie used to connect, esp. a surgical stitch. example: A silk ligature is tied around the duodenum five millimeters below the pylorus. 2….
rarefied reI rih faId adjective 1. of or belonging to a relatively small or select group. example: A Paris title would place him in rarefied company: one of seven men to have won…
nostrum na strəm noun 1. a medicine with undisclosed ingredients, advertised without proof as an effective cure; quack remedy. example: William Radam’s “Microbe Killer,” a nostrum sold in the 1890s, made the…