gossamer ga sə mər noun 1. a delicate spider web, esp. one that has become attached to a plant or is floating freely in the air. 2. any filmy, delicate, gauzelike fabric….
berate bə reIt transitive verb to reproach or scold severely. example: He berated his son for getting cut from the football team.
scion saI ən noun 1. an offspring or heir. example: To everyone’s astonishment, the art thief was revealed to be the scion of a wealthy banking family. 2. a budding shoot that…
lapidary lae pih deI ri noun 1. one whose work is to cut, polish, or engrave gemstones, or the work itself. 2. an expert on or dealer in gemstones. example: She consulted…
peremptory pə remp tə ri adjective 1. not permitting refusal or disobedience. example: A peremptory order from the captain put a stop to our idling. 2. expressive of a command; imperative. example:…