alloy noun ae loI 1. a combined form of two or more metals, or of a metal with a nonmetal, sometimes using an inferior ingredient with a more costly one. example: Brass…
dispatch dih spaech transitive verb 1. to send off to a specific place or for a specific purpose. 2. to do or dispose of promptly and quickly. example: She dispatches her chores…
evince ih vIns transitive verb 1. to show or manifest clearly; give evidence of; make plain. example: The novel evinces optimism for humanity’s future. example: The film evinces the director’s familiarity with…
consternation kan stər neI shən noun surprise and alarm, leading to panic, deep disappointment, or total confusion. example: To the consternation of some conservative groups, it was announced that women would no…
encomium en ko mi əm noun a formal expression of praise. example: The bank president enjoys delivering long encomiums at retirement parties.