gawl noun 1. something bitter to experience. example: The knowledge of his ex-wife’s happy remarriage was gall to him. 2. a bitter emotion or attitude. example: I expected him to object, but…
saeng gwihn adjective 1. having an optimistic temperament or outlook. example: Considering his poor academic record, he was surprisingly sanguine concerning his chances of being accepted to a top university. 2. ruddy…
ne səl intransitive verb 1. to lie close or curled up, as for warmth or affection. example: The puppies nestled near their mother. 2. to lie or be situated in a sheltered…
hart laend noun a central land area, especially one considered to be economically, politically, or militarily vital to a nation or region.
ju bə lənt adjective having or expressing great joy; exultant. example: After the announcement that their candidate had won, the crowd was jubilant.