mihs pleIs transitive verb 1. to put (something) where it doesn’t belong; lose. example: My mother constantly misplaces her glasses. 2. to apply or give inappropriately. example: He misplaced his affections on…
dIs pleIs transitive verb 1. to force out of a homeland or established place. example: The war displaced thousands of families. 2. to move out of the customary or proper place. example:…
ihn tran sih jənt [or] ihn tran zih jənt adjective refusing to alter an idea or a position in response to others’ wishes; uncompromising. example: Despite all appeals, the opposition party was…
ə se və reIt transitive verb to declare with solemnity and earnestness; affirm. example: Despite this damning evidence, he asseverated his innocence. example: She asseverated that she would keep her promise to…
bru ha ha noun definition 1: spirited noise, discussion, or confusion among many people; commotion; hubbub. example: A brouhaha ensued after the winner was announced.