pae stish [or] pa stish noun 1. a work of visual art, music, or literature that consists mostly of materials and techniques borrowed from other works, sometimes done as an exercise to learn…
averse vs. adverse
It’s not a shocker that these two adjectives are frequently confused. They differ in spelling only by a letter, and they both mean, broadly speaking, “opposed to.” Digging deeper into their etymology…
adjective kan trer i [or] kən trer i 1. totally different; opposite. example: You and I hold contrary views. example: The two boys headed off in contrary directions. 2. not favorable; adverse….
ə vuhrs adjective strongly opposed or disinclined; unwilling (usu. fol. by to). example: She was averse to lending her son any more money. example: I’m not averse to dancing; I’m just not…
aed vərs [or] əd vərs adjective 1. opposed to or conflicting with one’s purposes or desires. example: The adverse vote on the director’s proposal was unexpected. example: The captain was used to…