sa lə sih zəm noun a gross violation of convention in grammar, etiquette, or the like; impropriety. “There is many a man, moving in good society, who would rather be guilty of,…
te rə ta lə ji noun the scientific study of biological deformities or monstrosities.
pra dih gəl adjective 1. imprudent and excessive in spending; extravagant. The prodigal young man had squandered the money his father had given him to start up his business. 2. giving profusely…
pro kruh sti ən adjective (often capitalized) pertaining to the forcing of someone or something into conformity with preconceptions. It was pleasant to me to look on an ordinary face, and see…
pro ti ən adjective 1. easily changing form or character; variable or versatile. example: Plastic is a protean substance. 2. (cap.) of, concerning, or resembling Proteus. (Who is Proteus? –>)