ihk stem pə raIz intransitive verb 1. to speak without preparation or reference to notes. He could scarcely recollect a word of his part, but he remembered the general drift of it,…
ə klI vih ti noun a rising slope. (Cf. declivity.) Where the acclivity is too steep, there is not enough soil for trees to grow.
deIn intransitive verb to consider some act to be appropriate or in keeping with one’s dignity; condescend. She did not deign to respond to the impolite questions. transitive verb to condescend to…
kwer ə ləs or kwer yə ləs adjective 1. habitually complaining. Caring for this querulous patient had become a tiresome task. 2. expressing or indicating a complaint. When he makes requests in…
an tə razh or an tə razh noun a group of people who accompany another person as attendants or associates; retinue. A number of suites in the hotel were reserved for the prime minister…