pyu ə rihl, pyu ə raIl, pyu rihl, pyu raIl adjective 1. of or relating to children or childhood. 2. immature or silly; childish. Such puerile behavior as throwing spitballs around the…
ih nak yu əs adjective 1. not capable of causing damage; harmless. example: Some bacteria are innocuous or even beneficial to health. 2. having no annoying or offensive qualities. example: There was…
gli nIngz plural noun something that is gleaned or collected bit by bit. Her research gleanings confirmed my theory.
intransitive verb 1. to strike and rebound from another object or surface (usu. fol. by off). The baseball caromed off the wall. See full entry
tem pə raIz intransitive verb 1. to be indecisive or delay acting, as in order to gain time or avoid conflict. The company was not returning her calls after her encouraging job…