art lihs adjective 1. free of deceit and cunning; guileless. example: His father was an artless man who, being ingenuous himself, found it hard to recognize deceit in others. example: We knew…
kae kih neIt intransitive verb to laugh very loudly or excessively.
kə rin intransitive verb 1. esp. of a vehicle, to sway while moving fast, or to move fast and unsteadily. The truck careened down the hill looking as if it might topple…
pyu sə lae nih məs adjective shamefully timid; cowardly. The actor portrays a snivelling, pusillanimous husband who is bullied by his shrewish wife. A Quotation from Alexis de Toqueville No form or…
vae pihd adjective lacking spirit, life, or flavor; dull; uninteresting. His parents had hoped that he would study accounting, but he considered it a vapid subject. “Saying ‘I notice you’re a nerd’…