faek shəs adjective 1: inclined toward or promoting faction; divisive or dissentious. A factious temper, when united with reputed sanctity, is the most dangerous character that can exist in a Christian society. (John…
rih fuhl jənt adjective shining brilliantly; radiant. He stepped outside and was dazzled by the refulgent August morning.
uhngk chu əs adjective 1: excessively or falsely earnest or amiable. The unctuous bank manager was all smiles and compliments, but it was clear that he would be of little help in…
transitive verb to persuade against doing something (often fol. by from). Mother dissuaded us from going outdoors in such foul weather.
deI nu maw noun 1: in a novel, play, or film, the final resolution of the plot’s complexities and questions. 2: the ultimate outcome of a complicated series of events.