ka mən law noun law based on custom or usage and on court decisions and opinions, rather than on statute. (Cf. statute law.) “The Supreme Court, required to determine whether the “necessary…
ek spih daIt transitive verb 1. to send off, facilitate the progress of, or accomplish with speed and efficiency. The kitchen assistant expedites the orders by adding the condiments, dressings, and side…
re trih byu shən noun repayment for one’s actions, esp. punishment for evil. The public were demanding retribution for the crime, and therefore the suspect had to be heavily guarded.
rih sto rə tihv adjective serving to restore health, vitality, or strength. example: Sleep has restorative powers, but so does coffee. noun a means, such as medicine or exercise, for restoring a person to good…
pronunciation: mut adjective 1: not clearly settled; arguable; debatable. Whether or not this common medical practice is good for society is a moot point. 2: having no practical significance; completely hypothetical. There…