re pər ti [or] re par teI noun definition 1: a quick, clever reply; witty retort. He was stunned at her clever repartee and was momentarily at a loss for words. definition…
ə graen daIz 1. to increase in size or scope; enlarge; extend. Plans were made to further aggrandize the palace. 2. to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power,…
rI gər noun definition 1: strictness, severity, inflexibility, or harshness, as of manner, judgment, or law. The law was enforced with great rigor. definition 2: severity or harshness of living conditions, climate,…
adjective raIf 1. common or frequent; widespread. Cheating is rife in that school. 2. plentiful or abundant. 3. full of; pervaded with. The office is rife with rumors.
ses kwih pə deI li ən adjective 1: inclined to use long words. 2: of words and expressions, having many syllables. noun a word with many syllables. Word Parts The word sesquipedalian…