slae thər (informal) to spread or apply thickly; pile on.The cake was slathered with whipped cream. Word Combinations(v.) slather + nounbutter, cream, gravy, honey, jam, ketchup, lotion, mayonnaise, moisturizer, mud, mustard, pesto,…
kəm puhngk shən noun uneasiness about the propriety or suitability of an action; qualm. He had no compunctions about stealing. regret for doing something wrong or harmful; contrition. He confessed to defrauding…
for bo dIng noun a strong feeling or a portent, usually that something bad is going to happen. She woke up in the middle of the night, filled with a terrible foreboding.
por təl 1. a doorway or entrance, esp. a large and imposing one. The prince and his retinue came on horseback through the castle’s portal. 2. an entrance or means of entry…
pə rI fə ri 1. the outer boundary or edge of an area or surface, or the region directly inside or outside of this. Trees mark the periphery of our property. 2. the nonessential area…