bə de vəl to annoy or harass devilishly; torment. The problems of running the dilapidated school bedeviled the principal.
mo rih bənd adjective near death or extinction; dying. Pollution had caused the river’s ecosystem to fall into a moribund state. The community is attempting to revive a moribund tradition.
re zə rekt transitive verb 1. to restore to life or good standing; raise out of death or disrepute. In the Christian Bible story, Lazarus is resurrected four days after his death….
mih stik noun an aura of mystery, power, or distinction that surrounds a particular person, thing, or activity. The fact that his predictions have all come true has given him a certain…
əb tus adjective 1. of an angle, greater than ninety degrees and less than 180 degrees. 2. not keen or quick to notice, feel, or comprehend; dull or insensitive. Being a bit obtuse,…