rih dim transitive verb 1: to pay off (a debt). His inheritance helped him redeem his debts. 2: to recover (property or the like) by paying off a debt. As soon as…
pr@ dI j@s adjective 1. extremely large or great in size, amount, strength, extent, or the like; enormous. James A. Michener was a novelist whose output was prodigious. 2. inspiring wonder and…
prə fyus adjective 1. abundant or numerous; plentiful. He admired the profuse growth of the roses he’d been tending so carefully. The food at the party was profuse, but the guests seemed…
spi rih tihd adjective full of vigor, courage, or enthusiasm. She gave a spirited performance.
vael yənt adjective 1. showing or characterized by courage in both spirit and action; brave; heroic. It is a story of valiant knights and noble deeds. 2. determined or praiseworthy. Although they…