buhmp shihs adjective obnoxiously assertive; pushy. “The Liberians have been trained in freedom. They are called bumptious and given a bad name by their English and French neighbors but this is merely…
snaId adjective insulting in a derisive way; maliciously sarcastic. I will not tolerate her snide comments about my friend.
sih deIt adjective 1. composed and dignified. The police had prepared for a disruptive protest, not this sedate gathering of concerned citizens. The bride’s father is normally a boisterous character, but he was…
ihm par sh@l not partial or prejudiced; even-handed or objective. The Sixth Amendment guarantees those accused of a crime the right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury. “None can be…
par sə mo ni əs excessively frugal; stingy. My father was as parsimonious with his praise as he was with his pennies.