te lIng adjective 1. having a noticeable or striking effect. Losing their star pitcher was a telling blow to the team. 2. revealing. The film footage provides us with a telling glimpse…
In de lə bəl adjective 1. incapable of being removed or obliterated; permanent. He was still tortured by indelible memories of the war. 2.making or leaving a permanent mark. indelible ink
In tər ste lər adjective existing or occurring between or among the stars. Word Parts The word interstellar contains the following parts: inter- Latin prefix that means between, among stell Latin…
in extremis
In ihk stre mis adverb in extremity (Latin); under extreme circumstances or at the point of death. “The eyeballs had rolled up and back somewhat, as they mostly do when a hound…
ihk stre mih ti noun 1. the farthest reach or point of a thing. The extremities of the field were marked by a fence. 2. the greatest degree or utmost extreme. At…