gae rə ləs adjective 1.given to talking excessively. He was in a hurry this morning and hoped to avoid his garrulous neighbor. 2. exceptionally wordy; verbose. That garrulous introduction was unnecessary.
fro wərd adjective unwilling to agree or obey; stubborn; perverse. Her froward children would not sit down to dinner if the menu was not to their liking.
ə noInt 1. to put oil or ointment on. The Egyptian mummies were anointed with perfumed oils. I will now anoint myself with my new, expensive suntan lotion. 2. to confer high…
fe rəl or fi rəl adjective 1. existing in a wild natural state; not domesticated. The sand cat is a feral cat that lives in desert areas and can survive in extremely…
dih skre shə neI ri adjective to be used according to one’s own judgment or decision. discretionary income; discretionary spending