graend staend noun the rows of seats for spectators at a sports stadium, racetrack, or the like; often, a roofed section of the stands. The grandstands are sold out for the championship…
kaU ər intransitive verb to crouch or cringe in fear. The boy cowered before his angry father.
for tih tud noun strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation. Nurses on the battlefield endured the horrors of the war with great bravery and fortitude.
sam nə lənt adjective 1. falling asleep; sleepy or drowsy. He should not have been driving in his somnolent condition.
sael veI sh@n 1. the act of saving or the condition of being saved from sin or evil; redemption. He had led a life of crime, and it was a loving woman…