ə piz transitive verb 1. to cause to become calmer or less agitated, esp. by satisfying demands or making concessions; placate. The prime minister hoped to appease the dictator and prevent a…
baI lae tə rəl adjective 1. having two, esp. symmetrical, sides. Many animals, including humans, have a bilateral structure. 2. concerning or equally obligating two parties. India and the US signed a…
pro tə kawl noun 1. the rules pertaining to etiquette and ceremonial observances among diplomats, heads of state, and the military. Diplomatic protocol demands that the host country display the flag of…
suh miht noun 1. the part with the highest elevation, esp. of a mountain; peak. They felt exhilarated when they reached the summit of the mountain. 2. the highest point of success or…
dih plo mə si noun 1. the practice or skill of conducting negotiations between nations or governments. The release of the hostages was hailed as a victory for diplomacy. 2. the talent…