lIm pihd adjective 1. perfectly clear; transparent. We could see the rocks at the bottom of the limpid pool. 2. clear in style or meaning; lucid. He’s known for his limpid prose….
puhr sə nə bəl adjective pleasing in manner or appearance; friendly; attractive. She found her boyfriend’s father quite personable, but his mother seemed somewhat cold and humorless.
kraws greInd adjective 1. of lumber, having a grain that runs across or diagonally to the length. 2. (informal) stubborn or hard to deal with. He was a cross-grained man, oppressed by…
swath noun 1. the width or path cut by one pass of a scythe, mower, or the like. 2. grass, grain, or the like cut and deposited along a line. 3. a…
o tuhr noun a director whose films display a distinctive personal style. Alfred Hitchcock, Quentin Tarantino, and Wes Anderson can all be regarded as auteurs.