kIl joI noun one who spoils the fun or enjoyment of others, esp. by being gloomy or pessimistic. When we’re out on the town trying to forget our troubles, we don’t want a…
mI lə tənt adjective 1. aggressive or combative in attitude or actions, especially in defense of a cause. Many people feared violence as the anti-government protesters were becoming more militant. 2. waging war; fighting;…
kae vəl intransitive verb to make petty criticisms or objections; carp (usu. fol. by at or about). He tried to discuss his plans with his father in private, knowing his mother’s tendency…
sluhr transitive verb 1. to speak of disparagingly; belittle. She would not allow her late husband’s reputation to be slurred, and she demanded that the newspaper print a retraction. 2. to run…
gae bəl intransitive verb 1. to speak rapidly and unclearly; jabber; babble. He had no experience speaking in public and just stood there gabbling for ten minutes. 2. to make a rapid…