skuh təl transitive verb 1. to purposely cause a ship to sink, as by making holes in the bottom. 2. to thwart or defeat (something planned or hoped for). The Israeli leader…
ihn skru tə bl adjective impossible to comprehend or interpret; mysterious. We could not tell from the surgeon’s inscrutable expression whether the operation had been a success or not.
skrI mihj noun 1. a vigorous struggle; scuffle. A scrimmage ensued as food supplies began to be passed out. 2. a preliminary or minor encounter between enemy troops; skirmish. That day’s fighting…
bə spik transitive verb to arrange for or reserve in advance. I will bespeak your place in line. to signify or indicate. Her actions bespeak good intentions.
skuh rə ləs 1. characterized by or given to using vulgar or coarse language. These rather scurrilous remarks were edited from the tape. He refrained from telling his scurrilous tales while the…