re spiht noun 1. a period of rest, esp. from something difficult or unpleasant. She needed a day of respite after spending so much time tending to her mother in the hospital….
i ti a lə ji noun 1. the medical study of the causes of diseases. 2. the cause of a disease or physical disorder. We can not cure a disease unless we…
piv transitive verb to annoy or irritate; vex. By the slight frown on his face, it was clear the decision had peeved him. noun a cause of irritation or annoyance. The new…
ə sI ju ihs adjective 1. persistent and unremitting; constant. A stricter law against drunk driving was brought about by assiduous campaigning on the part of citizens. 2. persevering and tireless; diligent….
pI kə yun adjective 1. having little value or significance; small; paltry. She gets impatient when her mother only wants to talk about picayune matters. 2. small-minded; petty; stingy. I detest the…