flo rihd adjective 1. of the skin, red or ruddy in color. He was a man of florid complexion. 2. highly ornamented; flowery; elaborate. She finds his writing lush and poetical, but…
pro lIks or pro lIks 1. wordy and boringly long. I skipped over the more prolix descriptive passages. 2. inclined to lengthy speech or writing. His prolix tendencies make me impatient.
but leg noun 1. alcoholic drink, usu. whiskey, that is made, conveyed, or sold illegally. 2. an illegally made copy of a musical recording or an illegal recording of a musical performance….
və raI ə təl adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or designating a variety. There are varietal differences in tomatoes that make some more suitable for cooking. 2. constituting a variety, esp. a…
spraIt li adjective 1. lively, spirited, or energetic. The sprightly young girl flitted about the garden chasing butterflies. The fiddler played a sprightly tune that had us all tapping our feet. 2….