sihn tI lə a tiny amount; trace. There was not a scintilla of truth in the rumor.
ihm brol yo a difficult, confused, or complicated situation, often involving a misunderstanding, disagreement, or quarrel. The proposed building of a mosque on Ground Zero caused an imbroglio. “The imbroglio of events…
pa sti ri ər adjective 1. located behind or toward the back of something. (Cf. anterior.) The pituitary gland consists of two lobes, a larger front lobe and a smaller posterior lobe….
aen ti ri ər adjective 1. located near or at the front. (Cf. posterior.) The sternum is anterior to the spine. 2. earlier in time. “Damascus dates back anterior to the days…
uhl ti ri ər adjective 1. beyond or excluded from what is openly admitted or shown, esp. when concealed for the purposes of deception. I hope there is no an ulterior motive…