kuh viht transitive verb 1. to envy or wish to possess (something belonging to another) inordinately or without right. He coveted his brother’s larger share of the inheritance. Now that she was…
truhmp noun 1. in certain card games, a suit or a card of a suit that outranks other suits during a particular hand. In the card game “Spades,” spades are always trumps….
sIng krə tih zəm noun an attempted combination or reconciliation of opposing principles, beliefs, or practices, esp. in religion or philosophy.
pa li glat adjective 1. using or knowing several languages; multilingual. 2. composed of several languages. noun 1. one who uses or knows several languages. 2. a confusion or mixture of languages….
ae nə mi noun 1. a breakdown or lack of values, norms, or structure in a society. 2. the alienated feeling of an individual or class resulting from such a breakdown. 3….