taI tən noun 1. in Greek mythology, any of a race of giant godlike beings descended from Uranus and Gaea, and eventually defeated and replaced by the Olympian gods. 2. (usu. l.c.)…
nar sih sih zəm noun 1. excessive love of or absorption in oneself; egocentricity. 2. the psychological and emotional centering of one’s erotic interest and gratification on one’s own body.
noun wan dər luhst a strong, constant desire to travel. After viewing her friend’s photographs of Cairo and Rome she was stirred by wanderlust. His wanderlust kept him from ever marrying.
mae li ə bəl adjective 1. capable of being shaped, as by hammering or rolling. Alloys are less malleable than pure metals. Copper is a malleable metal. 2. capable of being altered…
pae lihmp sest noun a piece of parchment or other writing material on which a text has been written over one or more earlier texts that are still partially visible.