noun one that stands in the place of or represents the interests of another or others.She could not attend the meeting herself, so she asked her brother to be her representative.The company…
verb definition: When you sacrifice something, you give up something that you value a lot. You give it up in order to do something that you think is even more important or…
intransitive verb (informal) to complain continually; nag; grumble.He’s always griping about his boss.What is she griping about now? noun (informal) a complaint; grievance.I have to listen to his gripes all day long….
verb definition: When you evaluate something, you study it carefully and judge it in some way. example:Teachers use tests to evaluate how much their students have learned. See the full entry in…
transtive verb to do without, refrain from, or give up.He will have to forgo his pleasurable pursuits until he’s passed his exams.I refuse to forgo my weekly poker game. See the full…