noun definition: Evidence is something that gives you a reason to believe something. When you have evidence that the dog slept on the couch, it means there is some reason to believe…
transitive verb to call out to (a god, muse, or the like) for help, support, protection, or inspiration.The ancient Spartans invoked the god of war before going into battle. See the full…
noun definition: Invention is the act or process of creating something that no one has ever created before. example:The invention of the automobile changed the world. See the full entry in Wordsmyth…
noun a loud or sustained uproar or din, especially of voices.I couldn’t hear what she was saying in the clamor of the bus station. See the full entry
noun definition: When you have a responsibility, you have something you must take care of or do. Also, if we say that something is your responsibility, it means that you are the…