noun one made to bear the blame for the wrongs of others.The police chief fired the officer in question, but the problem in the department was much larger and the young officer…
noun definition: When you feel sad because another person is sad, you are feeling sympathy. When you have sympathy, you understand and feel sorry about the sadness or trouble that another person…
transitive verb to comprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.She was offended because she misinterpreted the offer he was making. See the full entry
noun definition: A campaign is a planned set of actions that are carried out to achieve a particular purpose. example:The mayor has begun a campaign to make the city more beautiful, and…
adjective having or showing wisdom and caution in practical matters; sensible.Being naturally prudent, she was not inclined to take such a risk.Postponing the expansion was a prudent decision. See the full entry