noun a number expressed as one number or algebraic quantity divided by another.One-half (1/2) and two-thirds (2/3) are examples of fractions. transitive verb to divide up or break into parts or fragments….
adjective the same as or equal to another in force, value, measure, or meaning.Her punishment didn’t seem equivalent to mine.Do you think the education you would receive at the state school would…
intransitive verb to leave one country or region, usu. the country of origin, in order to settle in another.Her ancestors emigrated from Ireland during the famine and came to the United States….
transitive verb to resist or challenge openly; act against the wishes or decrees of.She defied her parents by dropping out of college. See the full entry
Weekly Vocabulary Review
It’s time to review this week’s words: economy An economy is the system of how money is made and used within a particular country or region. A region’s economy is connected with…