noun a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals, such as rabbits, for use as a hiding place or dwelling.The hedgehog scurried across the grass and disappeared into its burrow. intransitive verb…
Weekly Quiz
With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their meanings with a quiz. Go to the Vocabulary Center, the words…
adjective lacking manners or refinement; rude, vulgar, or gauche.His frequent spitting and other uncouth behaviors repulsed her.Her husband had been brought up in the countryside, and her snobbish parents considered him uncouth….
adjective ordered as though by a mandate; obligatory.There is a mandatory waiting period before one can purchase a gun in some states.A physical exam is mandatory for all entering students. See the…
noun a restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words so as to simplify, clarify, or amplify.The teacher used a paraphrase to help the students understand what Shakespeare meant in…