gall2 gawl transitive verb 1. to damage or make sore by rubbing or chafing. quotation: We walked next day over a more level country but it was strewed with large stones. These galled…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
truhk yə lənt adjective 1. extremely hostile or belligerent; inclined to fight. example: The prisoner’s truculent attitude made a bad impression on the parole board. 2. savagely and fiercely cruel or…
sciolism saI ə lih zəm noun superficial knowledge or familiarity, used as a basis for scholarly pretensions. I myself prize classes far higher than I do lectures. From my own experience, a…
smattering smae tə rIng noun a small or inadequate amount, especially of knowledge of a subject. example: I know only a smattering of German.
pry ² praI transitive verb 1. to move, lift, open, or otherwise force, with something that acts as a lever. example: We pried the door open with a crowbar. 2. to get…