rend rend transitive verb 1. to tear or separate into pieces with force or violence. example: He rent his clothing in a fit of fury. 2. to disturb as if by tearing….
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
chat·e·laine shae tə leIn or shat ə len noun 1. the mistress of a castle or large household. 2. a clasp worn at the waist, from which chains extend for holding keys…
su·per·im·pose su pər ihm poz transitive verb to set or lay on top of or above something. example: We superimposed a grid on the original map. example: They have tried to superimpose…
in·cur·sion ihn kuhr zhən noun 1. a raid or sudden invasion. example: Our troops led an incursion on the small village. 2. an encroachment or inroad. example: She resented this incursion on her…
sim·per sIm pər intransitive verb to smile in a silly or affected manner. example: It’s sickening how he simpers in the presence of these bigwigs. transitive verb to express with a silly…