saeng gwihn adjective 1. having an optimistic temperament or outlook. example: Considering his poor academic record, he was surprisingly sanguine concerning his chances of being accepted to a top university. 2. ruddy…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
ne səl intransitive verb 1. to lie close or curled up, as for warmth or affection. example: The puppies nestled near their mother. 2. to lie or be situated in a sheltered…
hart laend noun a central land area, especially one considered to be economically, politically, or militarily vital to a nation or region.
ju bə lənt adjective having or expressing great joy; exultant. example: After the announcement that their candidate had won, the crowd was jubilant.
gri vəs adjective 1. causing emotional or physical suffering; painful. example: The war had caused grievous injuries to both his body and spirit. example: His grievous remarks were made out of spite….