grih mael kihn [or] grih mawl kihn noun 1. a cat, especially an old female cat. quotation: Nobody listened but Tomsina, who was an immense black cat, held in great reverence by…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
saI nə shuhr sI nə shuhr noun a thing or person that attracts attention and admiration. example: At the party, the beautiful actor was the cynosure of all eyes.
ded wUd noun 1. on a tree, branches or sections of trunk that are dead. example: We should trim the deadwood on that tree. 2. unproductive persons or burdensome things that hinder…
beI thos noun 1: a sudden descent from an exalted style or esteemed state to the commonplace. example: When the police chief reported the contents of the fearsome warlord’s pockets, which included…
In tər lop intransitive verb definition 1: to interfere in others’ affairs; meddle. definition 2: to enter into an area of business, especially trade, without a license.