pro kruh sti ən adjective (often capitalized) pertaining to the forcing of someone or something into conformity with preconceptions. It was pleasant to me to look on an ordinary face, and see…
Word of the Day
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pro ti ən adjective 1. easily changing form or character; variable or versatile. example: Plastic is a protean substance. 2. (cap.) of, concerning, or resembling Proteus. (Who is Proteus? –>)
sa lihp sih zəm noun definition 1: in philosophy, the theory that the self is the only verifiable reality. definition 2: the self-centered habit of interpreting and judging all things exclusively according…
ka lə kwi noun a conversation or written dialogue, especially one with a formal setting and purpose. quotation: The hearing ended…with an extraordinary colloquy between Senator Kerry and Ms. Rice in which…
soliloquize sə lI lə kwaIz intransitive verb to speak aloud what is in one’s mind when, or as if when, no one is present or listening. example: As soon as he arrived there…