shIft lihs adjective having little or no purpose or ambition; lazy. “Countries such as this are not suited to the dross of humanity. We cannot find employment for the weak, the lazy,…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
noun for teIst a partial, advance experience or realization of something that will come or happen in the future. The skirmish gave the raw soldiers a foretaste of serious fighting. transitive verb…
ə pa thi o sihs noun 1. elevation to the status of a god. 2. a perfect or ideal example; epitome. example: He idealized his wife in her new role and saw…
kaem bər transitive verb & intransitive verb to arch or cause to arch upward slightly. noun 1. a slight upward arch. The camber of this playing field helps water drain off. 2….
wormd o vər adjective 1. of cooked foods, heated and served again. “He had a midnight supper of warmed-over coffee and cold bean sandwiches, but he did not have any sleep.” 2….