noun 1: a device used to join together a pair of draft animals, usu. comprising a crossbar with two U-shaped loops, each fitted around the head of an animal. 2: a harnessed…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
tIngk chər noun definition 1: an alcohol solution containing a medicinal substance. The area of skin can be disinfected with a tincture of iodine. definition 2: something that stains, tints, or colors,…
paeb yə ləm noun 1. a soft substance that serves to nourish. 2. weak or banal ideas; pablum. “…we’re in English class, which for most of us is an excruciating exercise in staying awake…
sae taIr noun 1. a literary or dramatic work that ridicules or derides human vice or foolishness, usu. through the use of parody or irony. The play is a satire that lampoons…
əb skand intransitive verb to leave suddenly and secretly, esp. to avoid observation or capture. The king hanged the leader of the rebellion, while his followers attempted to abscond from the city. The…