nae chə rə li 1. in a natural way. That color occurs naturally in some vegetables. 2. by nature; inherently. She is a naturally curious child. 3. without a doubt; of course;…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
Sentence adverbs: evidently
e vih dent li sense 1[or] e vih dənt li nearly as can be determined; apparently. Evidently, the news of the coming hurricane never reached the island, or people would have…
pis mil adverb 1. by adding or doing one piece at a time; gradually. I acquired my collection piecemeal. adjective 2. done or made one piece at a time. The government promised…
ri pər kuh shən 1. (usu. pl.) a result or effect of an action or event, often occurring indirectly or unexpectedly. The invasion caused repercussions over the entire region. 2. a sound…
sheIk daUn 1. an attempt to get something, esp. money, by threat of violence or of revealing a discrediting secret; instance of blackmail or extortion. Immigrants were subjected to harassment and shakedowns…