adjective raIf 1. common or frequent; widespread. Cheating is rife in that school. 2. plentiful or abundant. 3. full of; pervaded with. The office is rife with rumors.
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
ses kwih pə deI li ən adjective 1: inclined to use long words. 2: of words and expressions, having many syllables. noun a word with many syllables. Word Parts The word sesquipedalian…
suh rə giht [or] suh rə geIt noun 1. one that acts in another’s place, esp. in an official capacity; substitute. 2. a judge, in some states in the United States, who…
pər vuhrs adjective 1: stubbornly opposed to what is expected or requested of one, or marked by or inclined toward such an attitude. Knowing how perverse he can be, I’m not surprised…
klok ənd dae gər adjective definition: involving espionage, esp. viewed as being overly dramatic. The office had a cloak-and-dagger atmosphere.