ae n@r ki noun 1. absence of government or law within a state or society. After the leader’s assassination, there was anarchy until one of the rebel factions was able to gain…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
rae kiht noun 1. loud, confused noise; tumult; din. The people next door were making such a racket that she could not get to sleep. 2. (sometimes pl.) illegal activities, such as…
ihk spres li adverb 1. in an explicit manner. I expressly asked you to come straight home after school. 2. specifically. “He had often,” he said, “heard of people knocking out their…
te lIng adjective 1. having a noticeable or striking effect. Losing their star pitcher was a telling blow to the team. 2. revealing. The film footage provides us with a telling glimpse…
In de lə bəl adjective 1. incapable of being removed or obliterated; permanent. He was still tortured by indelible memories of the war. 2.making or leaving a permanent mark. indelible ink