dih bI lih ti noun a state of unusual physical weakness, esp. as the result of disease. His debility prevents him from working.
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
bə sat transitive verb to confuse or make foolish with, or as if with, strong drink (sometimes used reflexively). He was besotted by love. As long as they faithfully discharge their obligations…
sor ti noun 1. an assault made by a besieged military force against its attackers. 2. the flying of an aircraft on a combat mission. intransitive verb to go on a sortie.
lup hol noun 1. a way of avoiding or escaping a requirement, regulation, or the like, esp. by taking advantage of an omission or ambiguity in the written text of a legal…
gae rə ləs adjective 1.given to talking excessively. He was in a hurry this morning and hoped to avoid his garrulous neighbor. 2. exceptionally wordy; verbose. That garrulous introduction was unnecessary.