du plI sih ti noun deceitful speech or action. She was more hurt by her husband’s duplicity–his lying and covering up–than she was by his desire for a divorce.
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
grI məs noun a twisting of the face to show pain, disgust, or anger. He took a sip of the medicine with a grimace. intransitive verb to make a grimace. She grimaced…
aen tihk noun (usu. pl.) playful or funny actions; pranks. The clown’s antics made the audience roar with laughter. See full entry
graend staend noun the rows of seats for spectators at a sports stadium, racetrack, or the like; often, a roofed section of the stands. The grandstands are sold out for the championship…
kaU ər intransitive verb to crouch or cringe in fear. The boy cowered before his angry father.