suh miht noun 1. the part with the highest elevation, esp. of a mountain; peak. They felt exhilarated when they reached the summit of the mountain. 2. the highest point of success or…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
dih plo mə si noun 1. the practice or skill of conducting negotiations between nations or governments. The release of the hostages was hailed as a victory for diplomacy. 2. the talent…
aem bi əns noun 1. the distinctive character or mood of an environment; atmosphere. The restaurant creates a relaxing ambience with its soft lighting. 2. environment; surroundings. She’d been fearful of going…
jen til adjective 1. displaying traits such as refinement and politeness that are traditionally associated with wealth and education. Genteel behavior is expected from all the young ladies at our school. 2….
fIg mənt noun something imaginary or invented. The whole affair was just a figment of his imagination.